
About Us

Our aim is to facilitate users' access to architectural ideas; to introduce them to different product and material suppliers and to ensure that they benefit from architectural services as much as they need.

Our company started producing galvanized sheet metal in 2007. With the start of sheet metal production, we offer reliable and high quality products in the domestic market. With the increasing demand for galvanized sheet products around the world, we added the sheet slicing machine to our machine park and managed to become one of the leading companies in the sector. In addition to these, we also attach great importance to black sheet metal manufacturing and stainless water tank manufacturing and provide their production within our structure. We continue to offer you quality and affordable products.


Bu kitap, ahlak kuramı üzerine bir tezdir ve Rönesans döneminde çok popüler olmuştur. Lorem Ipsum pasajının ilk satırı olan "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet" 1.10.32 sayılı bölümdeki bir satırdan gelmektedir.


1500'lerden beri kullanılmakta olan standard Lorem Ipsum metinleri ilgilenenler için yeniden üretilmiştir. Çiçero tarafından yazılan 1.10.32 ve 1.10.33 bölümleri de 1914 H. Rackham çevirisinden alınan İngilizce sürümleri eşliğinde özgün biçiminden yeniden üretilmiştir.